2D-Truss Analysis
While a calulator based on the Method of Joints can only solve statically determinate problems,
the FEM-calculator of this page calculates support forces, truss forces and node displacements for 2D-truss structures that can also be statically indeterminate.
Steps to set up a new model:
- define the node points of the structure by their 2 coordinates (or double click in the pane)
- define each truss element by its 2 nodes (or drag the mouse bewteen 2 nodes) and its material number
- define the material data (cross-section and Young's modulus)
- define the loads
- define which node is supported in which direction
If all the bars have the same cross-section A and the same Young's modulus E and you are not interested in displacements, you can simply enter 1 for A and E.
A and E have no influence on the bar forces in this situation.
When visualizing the bar forces, the colors are different:
Trusses under compression in red, trusses under tension in blue and zero force members in white.
When entering data, there are no units. The user is responsible for providing data regarding consistent units
point coordinates in m, loads in N, cross sections in m² and the modulus of elasticity in N/m²,
displacements then will be in m, bar forces in N, normal stress in N/m².
point coordinates in mm, loads in N, cross sections in mm² and the modulus of elasticity in N/mm²,
displacements then will be in mm, bar forces in N, normal stress in N/mm².
point coordinates in in, loads in lbf, cross sections in in² and the modulus of elasticity in psi,
displacements then will be in in, bar forces in lbf, normal stress in psi.
Additionally to the table of results the bars may be clicked to display the according force, the nodes may be clicked to show the according displacement.
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