Java-Applications for Mechanics and Vibrations

Prof. Dr. Ing. Anton Valdivia, Jade Hochschule Wilhelmshaven

A Java-JRE must be installed to use the Java-Applications of this page.
Java-Applications in can be unpacked in any directory and then run locally.

Java-ClassProgram Description
BeamEigendynamicsFree and excited vibrations of a beam, simulates free and excited bending vibrations of a beam
LaplaceFEM for 2D-Stationary Heat Conduction, calculates the temperature in a 2-dimensional area
MatrixEigenValueSolver for the Generalized Eigenvalue Problem, calculates eigenvalues and eigenvectors
PlaneBeamFEM2D-Frame Structures, calculates internal reaction forces, bending moment, shear force and axial force
PlaneBeamVibFEMFree vibrations of spindels and frame structures, calculates and simulates mode shapes and natural frequencies of systems of trusses and beams
PlateVibrationPlate vibrations, simulates free bending vibration and calculates mode shapes and natural frequencies of arbitrary shaped plates
RigidBodiesStatically determinate structures, calculates bearing forces and reaction forces at joints for rigid body systems
SpringMassVibration of Multi-Degrees-of-Freedom Systems, calculates and simulates mode shapes and eigenfrequencies of systems with multi dof
Truss3dFEM for 3D-Frameworks, calculates bearing forces, truss forces and displacements

Some screenshots from the applications are shown below.

I also prepared some pages for calculations, that can be used directly: Programs in JavaScript