Mohr's Circle and Principal Stresses
In case of the general 3-dimensional state stress in structures is represented by 6 stress values.
For this situation principal stresses and principal stress directions are calculated.
The principal stresses σ1, σ2, σ3 are the eigenvalues of the stress tensor S:
σx | τxy | τxz |
τyx | σy | τyz |
τzx | τzy | σz |
The principal stresses and the Mohr circles are visualized graphically.
In the shaded areas between the circles possible pairs of stress values (σ, τ) may be found.
The 3 red points represent stress values according to the given values with repespect to a xyz-coordinate system:
(σx, (τxy2+τxz2)1/2),
(σy, (τyx2+τyz2)1/2) ,
(σz, (τzx2+τzy2)1/2)
The yellow points mark the principal stresses. Under the associated directions there will be no shear stresses.
A special case is the 2-dimensional stress state given by σx, σy, τxy whereas σz=τyz=τzx=0.
In this case we can determine 2 points on Mohr's circle:
(σx, τxy) and (σy, -τxy).
The center of the circle is ((σx + σy)/2, 0).
For a normalized direction vector n the normal stress σn and shear stress τn will be calculated:
σn = nT S n
|τn| = (nTST S n - σn2)1/2.
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