Resolution of Systems of Nonlinear Equations

On this page nonlinear (and also linear) equations and multivariate systems of equations are solved using the Newton-Raphson method.
The unknowns in the equations can be named arbitrarily. Their number must correspond to the number of equations.

Nonlinear equations usually may have multiple solutions.
Solving a system of nonlinear equations requires an iterative process, starting at some set of initial values.
Which solution will be found and if any solution will be found at all depends on those initial values.
Initial values can either be specified explicitly (e.g. x=5) or as an interval (e.g. x=4.5,5.5).
If no initial values are supplied, random values from the interval [-10,10] are taken.
Each run calculates only one solution. Previously calculated solutions are kept and displayed at the bottom.
By specifying "Number of Calculations", several calculation runs can be triggered at once according to the specification.

Linear equations have a unique solution, if and only if the determinante of the system matrix not equals 0.
This is the most common case in applications.
For linear equations the method used here is not optimal, but it works.
Normally people take the Gaussian elimination method to solve linear systems, which is more efficient.

There is a list of functions that can be used in the equations.

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