Free Vibration of 2D-Structures

Free vibrations of plane beams and frame structures are examined.
Natural frequencies and eigenforms are calculated. The vibrations of the structures in the mode shapes are simulated.


To the model data

A model to be examined is determined by:
Structures can be modeled here with beam elements with and without mass inertia, depending on whether a density ρ is given or not.
In the latter case, the system must have at least one local mass.
If the mass inertia is not given for the beam elements, a fine subdivision of the structure with elements is not necessary.
This is different in the case of beam elements with mass inertia. In this case the more elements are used the more natural frequencies will be calculated.
However, only the smaller of the calculated natural frequencies provide reasonably good approximations.
The finer a model is subdivided by elements, the better the approximations become.

Because the program does not know any units, the user is responsible
to enter consistent input data. It is therefore easiest to use data in the SI unit system.
I.e. Coordinates in m, forces in N, masses in kg, mass moments of inertia in kgm², etc.

Originally, the program should only know about beam elements.
As a small (not entirely lucky) extension you can also use springs.
They are the "type 4". Spring stiffness and optional mass are provided via the material properties Ei and ρi.
In principle, springs have the same stiffness matrix as truss elements, only that their stiffness is given directly and is not calculated from A·E/L.

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