Calculator with Variables


You can use variables in expressions. Variable names are arbitrary.

Calculation example with variables - calculates the mass m of a cylinder:

or in just one input line:
L=1.2; r=0.3; V=PI*r^2*L; rho=7800; m=rho*V

The allowed operators are: + - * / ^ =.
^ is the exponentiation operator here.

Functions available with one formal parameter are:
abs, acos, asin, atan, ceil, cos, cosh, cot, coth, exp, floor, lg, ln, round, sign, sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh
Functions available with two formal parameters are: max, min, pow.

If variables are to be used, they are usually created and initialized by assignment (using =).
If variables that have not yet been defined are used in a term, they are automatically created and initially initialized to 0.
All variables are stored in an alphabetically sorted variable memory that is displayed below the solution line.
After each input, all variable definitions are re-evaluated so that changes to the variables affect other variables that depend on them.

If a variable that is no longer needed shall be deleted, the associated input field must be erased.

Input lines are saved so you can use them again later or edit and use them later.

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